Our editing service is divided into two sections: structural and copy editing (sometimes referred to as ‘line editing’). Some editing services will include structural editing in their copy editing service, and call it by the umbrella term ‘copy editing’. We believe there is value in separating them out. However, if you have already received a critique from us and implemented the suggested changes then structural and copy editing may be done at the same time. Read on to see the difference between the two forms of editing and which might suit you best. If you are unsure, we can advise you when we initially assess your manuscript (see our terms).

Structural Editing

If you have completed a novel and need to know whether it all hangs together before sending it off to an agent or publisher then this is the service for you. We will look at similar things as we do with the developmental & coaching service, but it will not be as focused on ‘teaching’. It may be suggested that you rework, delete or add chapters, develop or add characters, clarify your genre or refine your structure. Actual editing will be done on your manuscript, unlike with the developmental edit where, as part of the coaching process, problems will be highlighted for you to make the relevant changes once you have understood the concept.


0.01 (1 pence) per word

eg 80,000 words – £800

eg 100,000 words – £1,000

First 10,000 words + outline:  £200

Children’s picture books: price to be discussed.

Copy Editing

This is what most people think of when they think of editing. It involves improving the flow of the writing, achieving consistency in characterisation and plot, correcting errors in grammar and syntax and developing a consistency of style and checking for factual errors. A style sheet will be developed during the edit and returned to you with the final manuscript.


0.01 pence per word

eg 80,000 words – £800

eg 100,000 words – £1,000

First 10,000 words + outline:  £200

Children’s picture books: price to be discussed.