Your manuscript will be assessed on submission to ensure that you are requesting the correct service. If on assessment it is judged that your manuscript is not yet ready for proofreading, for instance, you will be asked to submit it for one of the other relevant services first. There will be a non-refundable £30 deposit for this assessment. We reserve the right to turn down any work: the assessment fee will then be fully refunded.

The schedule of fees for our services are listed on the relevant pages.

If it is agreed that work should commence, 50% of the balance of payment will be required in advance, 50% on completion. Payment is via Paypal or BACS transfer. We do not charge VAT. All fees quoted in Pounds Sterling. Clients paying in foreign currencies will be billed through Paypal at that days Forex rate. You will then pay your currency’s equivalent of Pounds Sterling.

When you book a service we will inform you of the next available scheduled slot and the likely duration of the work. A critique / edit generally takes four weeks to complete, however this may vary from project to project.

Please note, a critique or edit from us will not guarantee you a publishing deal or that you will be taken on by an agent. We cannot be held responsible for any subsequent rejections you might receive. We also cannot recommend you to any publishers or agents. It will, however, help get your manuscript into the best possible shape to progress to the next stage of your publishing journey.


Your privacy is important to us. We will never share your personal data or creative work, or the terms of our professional relationship, with any third party without your explicit written permission. Your contact details will not be used except for the explicit purpose of carrying out the contracted service.

Likewise, by enlisting one of our services, you agree to keep the terms of our contractual relationship confidential.